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Frequently Asked Questions

我们收集了一些最常见的问题,为您提供有关领头羊学院联盟和我们举办的一些活动的更多信息. 如果你有问题,你没有看到这里,请不要犹豫,与我们联系

Note: Clicking on the ribbon will reveal the answer. 


General Questions

What are the Bellwether Awards?
Established in 1995, the Bellwether Awards are a long-standing, 尊敬的奖项只颁发给创新的社区学院. 这项严格的奖项竞赛是社区大学未来大会的一个组成部分,30名决赛入围者将被邀请在选定的同行机构中进行最后一轮竞争. 大会由澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区主办,重点关注前沿, 鉴于其基于证据的结果和指标,这些引领趋势的项目值得扩大规模和复制. “领头羊奖”每年分三个类别颁发给具有杰出和创新项目或实践的社区学院. 奖项类别为教学计划和服务(IPS), Planning, Governance and Finance (PGF), and Workforce Development (WD).

领头羊奖被比作足球的海斯曼奖,因为它是竞争性的,由受人尊敬的领导职位的同行颁发. 领跑者奖的获得者表示,这是其他类型的认可和/或资助的跳板.

How many finalists are invited to compete?
在以下三个类别中,每个类别选出10所大学.e. Instructional Programs and Services (IPS), Planning, Governance and Finance (PGF), and Workforce Development (WD)).
When are the 30 Bellwether Finalists announced?
The consortium will announce the finalists in November. 我们将通过电子邮件和我们的社交媒体渠道通知入围者.
Announcements appear on social media. 请在以下社交媒体平台关注我们的最新消息.
Who are members of the Bellwether College Consortium?
入围者将被邀请成为会员,并在加入联盟后被视为领头羊奖的竞争者. 联盟成员将获得社区大学期货大会的注册和其他宝贵的福利.
What are the three award categories?
  • Instructional Programs & Services: 为促进或支持社区大学的教学而设计并成功实施的项目或活动.
  • Planning, Governance & Finance: 为提高社区大学的效率和效益而设计并成功实施的项目或活动.
  • Workforce Development: 促进社区和经济发展的公共和/或私人战略联盟和伙伴关系
Is my college eligible to submit an application?

美国及其属地的所有社区学院都可以申请. 30所“领头羊决赛”是那些在第一轮比赛中得分最高的社区大学. 每所学院可以在每个奖项类别中提交一份作品.

What should I include in my application?
Should I submit additional materials with my application?

No. 只有在决赛选手被告知他们的决赛状态后,才会要求他们提供额外的材料.

Where is the application and how do I send it?
Applications will only be accepted through the Bellwether submission portal.

For any issues or concerns contact Robert Acosta at

Can a college submit more than one entry to a category?
Each community college can submit one entry per category (i.e. instructional programs and services, workforce development, and planning, governance, and finance) for the competition.



Yes, 如果符合任一类别的定义,您可以在两个不同的领头羊奖类别中提交相同的程序. 如果该项目在两个类别中都名列前十, then the college is named a Bellwether Finalist in the one category in which it scored highest.

Digital Binder

内容最多10页,附录最多10页. 10页的内容包括还是不包括封面(前/后= 4页)和TOC(前/后=2页). 以小册子的形式,这将占用10页内容中的6页. 或者封面和TOC是否包含在10页的内容中? This affects design and visual appeal.

These pages are not included in the total page count. 请随意设计封面,并请包括您的项目名称, college, and award category if a Bellwether Award competitor.

A URL link will need to be provided for the binder. I’m assuming this is to download the document. However, if we were to use a service such as issuu.Com,是否可以接受数字出版物的链接. 在那里,文档可以以数字方式查看并以PDF格式下载.

A pdf is all that is required. 请从源代码下载文件,然后上传到我们的调查中. 我们尽量让我们的评委简单,他们会在他们的评分包中收到一个pdf文件的链接和每个活页夹的纸质副本.

Are embedded videos allowed as graphics? allows us to do this, 但我想确保我们符合提交要求,包括视频嵌入.

We request a PDF without links or videos. 我们发现,保持数字活页夹自由的超链接,是得分和维护一个功能齐全的BCC数字活页夹库与资源,可以永久访问的最佳做法.

Webinars and Futures Assembly Questions

Is there a 2025 Bellwether Submission Guidance Webinar?
Yes! “领头羊奖”的指导网络研讨会将于8月公布.
Will there be a virtual event option?


Contact Us



我们在这里回答你的问题,并分享我们的最新消息. Reach out to us if we don’t reach out to you!

For general questions:

Rose Martinez, PhD

Submit Your Program
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